have on
英 [hæv ɒn]
美 [hæv ɑːn]
掌握不利于(某人)的证据; 抓住(某人)的把柄
- be dressed in
- She was wearing yellow that day
- I have been on sick leave for seven months with depression.
我因抑郁症休了7个月的病假。 - In this way, each participant, and the ecosystem as a whole, learned much faster than they would have on their own.
如此一来,每个参与者以及作为一个整体的生态系统学习速度都比自己单独摸索要快得多。 - Papandreou claims that a vote by the people is necessary given the major impact the latest European fix-it plan would have on Greece.
帕潘德里欧声称,由于最新的欧洲救助方案将给希腊带来巨大影响,有必要让民众来投票决定。 - I'm enquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
我正在查阅这家图书馆可能保存的关于城市远景规划的任何资料。 - Give away any food you have on hand, or lock it up and give the key to the neighbours
把手头的所有食物都送给别人,或者把食物藏好锁起,然后将钥匙交给邻居。 - You have put on weight.
你发福了。 - The apple monitor delivered the worst February we have on record.
苹果供应链交出了有记录以来最差的2月份报表。 - Adding up what the effect a downgrade would have on bond yields is a bit tricky.
准确评估降级对国债收益率的影响是一件比较棘手的事情。 - I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India.
在被征召入队参加与巴基斯坦的比赛后,我为前往印度的行程做了充分准备。 - It also struggles with the adverse impact that PSI could have on domestic confidence and the longer-term attractiveness for foreign investment.